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Revisiting Old Hobbies When Your Children Leave Home

By: Elizabeth Grace - Updated: 7 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Hobbies In Midlife Hobby Supplies Empty

Some people dread the empty nest, but once the responsibilities of childrearing are complete, those in midlife can redirect their focus to the things that they like to do. Often parents dedicate themselves so wholly to their children that they have little time to pursue their own interests, so being able to once again schedule days according to one's own wishes should be a welcome change!

Remembering Back

Sometimes, so many years pass before parents get the chance to do the things that most appeal to them that they forget how they used to spend their spare time before they were parents. Parenthood can be an all-consuming endeavour, but with a little thought, empty-nesters can likely recall a few hobbies that they left behind when life got too busy to continue pursuing them.

Whether it was reading, painting, writing poetry, or working on classic cars, the opportunity to revisit old hobbies often presents itself once the children are grown and independent. Those that once enjoyed sports may find that they still do, and not just from the sidelines, cheering on their children!

Getting Into Shape

Staying well in midlife and beyond is partially dependent on making good lifestyle choices, so middle aged empty-nesters may want to include at least some types of exercise amongst their hobbies. Tennis, golf, and swimming are excellent choices, with each providing good workouts whilst allowing for opportunities for socialisation. Locating others who are adjusting to life after raising kids can help make the transition easier, and keeping busy is good for everyone.

Many people join health clubs at this stage of life so that they can not only enjoy their favourite pastimes, but get healthier, as well. Some people even choose to plan their holidays around their hobbies, some of which can also promote robust health. Biking or horse riding holidays can be a pleasure, as can walking tours of interesting locales.

Rekindling Romance

One of the best things about having the house to yourself again is that couples can focus their attention on their relationship without being called away to tend to the children's needs. Participating in hobbies as a couple can strengthen bonds and let partners remember what it was that first drew them to their mate in the beginning.

Early in relationships, couples often play together, but the demands of family and career can sometimes leave people longing for their early romantic days. Once the kids are grown and on their own, parents can return to the hobbies of their youths as may be able to introduce one another to a few new interests, as well.

Buying Hobby Supplies

Many parents find that their discretionary funds have always been earmarked for their children, and once the kids leave home, there is suddenly a bit of extra that can be spent on fun for Mum and Dad. Turning the children's bedrooms into hobby rooms can be nice, especially for those who enjoy scrapbooking, model building, or sewing as these hobbies may require a certain amount of room for storing supplies.

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