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New Relationships in MidLife & Beyond

By: Elizabeth Grace - Updated: 8 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
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Younger folks may believe that love and romance are reserved for them, but that’s simply not true. Many people get involved in new relationships in midlife, just when they may have least expected to find love again.

Oftentimes, those who have been divorced or widowed spend a number of years busied by the demands of career and family, too swamped with responsibilities to pay much attention to their social lives.

Sooner or later, though, many of these same people either reach a point when they have time to focus on themselves, or the right person simply comes along and opens them up to the possibility of romance.

Looking for Love Online

Many middle aged people haven’t been on a date in decades, so it’s perfectly natural that they may feel a bit nervous about the idea of returning to the dating world. Those who actively seek romantic relationships have a number of options available to them, though, which can make the process of meeting someone easier.

Online dating services are abundant, many of which now provide detailed questionnaires for prospective clients so that they can be matched with others having similar interests and backgrounds. In today’s busy world, using such a service is no longer looked at in a negative light – many people have found true love by posting their profile on a dating website and then sorting through prospective matches.

In addition to sites specifically designed to help people find romance, some find interesting people online through one of the popular networking sites. While many people join these sites to keep in touch with friends and family or to promote themselves professionally, love connections aren’t rare and the process of blogging and commenting on the blogs of others often lets people get to know one another long before they ever meet in person.

Of course, caution must be exercised when conversing with people on the internet. Not everyone out there is honest, so it’s wise to avoid giving out too much personal information early on and if the time comes for a face-to-face meeting, the couple should arrange to meet at a public place.

Sharing Common Interests

One of the best ways to meet like minded people is by simply paying attention to those you meet during your daily activities. The nice thing about meeting people in this manner is that the couple already shares at least one interest or hobby, giving them something to talk about and do together. Friendship is a terrific basis for romance, so forming bonds while participating in a class, while doing volunteer work, or at church can sometimes lead to long term love.

Often, we go about our lives without really considering those around us – we engage in casual conversations, but then we move on without giving much thought to building on those friendships. Without even knowing it, many people in midlife and beyond may already be great friends with the very people with whom they could have fabulous romances!

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

The mere idea of being set up an a blind date is enough to have some people breaking out in hives, but those who are interested in meeting someone special shouldn’t discount the possibility that one of their friends or coworkers may know someone who’d be perfect. If a one-on-one blind date seems too intimidating, allowing friends to arrange a group activity may be the answer. Romance isn’t just for the young – it’s for the young at heart, as well.

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